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Posted on May 09, 2018, by HeadOffice

Coerver® Coaching Preston Directors, Dieter Svoboda and Benjamin Monteleone recently traveled to the Coerver® Academy of Coaching in Japan in order to attend the annual technical update provided by Coerver® Co-Founder Alfred Galustian.

Program Technical Director’s from across the Asia Pacific region were invited to attend the technical update week at the Coerver® Academy of Coaching in Tokyo, Japan where they participated in a number of lectures and on-field practical sessions in order to further develop their coaching and Coerver® knowledge.

Posted on May 03, 2018, by HeadOffice

The Coerver® Coaching Australia Select Tour recently returned from their 8 day tour of Auckland, New Zealand.

Players aged 7-10 were selected from the 9th Annual COERVER® Coaching Australia Performance Camp held in Canberra in January 2018.

The tour participants were treated to a fantastic 8 days of football and cultural activities.